Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Foods Series! :)

So I have been going a little outside the norm for me lately and trying my hand at more figures and I think they are absolutely adorable! These guys are 3D, and so far made all on one loom. They don't require stuffing and I really don't think they are too terribly difficult to make, mainly just time consuming. I would definitely suggest getting a hold of a rug latch hook if you plan to make some. It's not necessary, but it definitely makes it much easier to do them.

I have been receiving such positive responses to these guys! It's fabulous! I have been having a little fun on instagram too. I have suggested to people that they put their figures into silly situations, kind of like an elf on the shelf kind of deal, and then hash tag them to feelinspiffyhappyfoods. There have been some super cute and very funny pictures. I love the creativity I'm seeing in them!

If you would like to see them, you can check them out below or on my YouTube channel, feelinspiffy. I definitely have more on the way!

Happy Corn:

Happy Broccoli:

Happy Carrot:

Happy Raspberry or Blackberry:

I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by! :)